Bugail yw fe roes ei waed

(Y Bugail da)
Bugail yw, fe roes ei waed
  Dros ei ddefaid;
Ac fe'n prynodd ni yn rhad
  O'n caethiwed;
Dygodd ni i brofi blas
  Dwyfol fanna;
Bellach canwn am ei ras,

Nid oes terfyn byth i'w gael
  Ar ei gariad;
Mae'i drysorau mawrion, hael,
  Uwch eu dirnad;
Ynddo ei hunan mae yn llwyr
  Oll ddymunaf;
Minnau ganaf foreu a hwyr,
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
Aberafon (John Roberts 1822-77)
Haverland (Myles B Forster 1851-1922)
Llanfair (Robert Williams 1782-1818)
San Remo (F A J Hervey 1846-1910)

  Ar Galfaria un prydnawn
  Caned nef a daear lawr
  Dyma'r Aberth mae erioed
  Mi a gredaf yn fy Nuw
  Ni chaiff fyth o'i ddefaid rhi
  Teithio'r wyf fynyddau maith

(The good Shepherd)
A Shepherd he is, he gave his blood
  For his sheep;
And he redeemed us freely
  From our captivity;
He brought us to experience a taste
  Of divine manna;
Henceforth let us sing about his grace,

There is no end ever to be got
  On his love;
It's great, generous treasures are
  Above their grasping;
In him himself is the totality
  Of all I desire;
I shall sing morning and evening,
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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